Could It Be B12? 2nd Edition Available Now

The second edition of Could It Be B12? (winner of the 2011 Indie Excellence Award in the General Health category) is now available.  It has been more than half a decade since the original version was published and the response from the public has been...

B12 documentaries being filmed for 2011

On November 18, 2009, film and television producer Elissa Leonard approached us regarding producing a documentary on vitamin B12 deficiency through our B12 Awareness website.  Elissa became interested in vitamin B12 deficiency after learning one of her own family...

United Kingdom’s involvement in B12 Awareness

Health care professionals, governmental leaders, and the public are banding together to end the global epidemic of undiagnosed B12 deficiency.  We envision the year 2012 as the year B12 Awareness becomes public policy and updated protocols for early diagnosis and...